Friday Bolts – 2.26.10

Remeber DT NIGHT TONIGHT. I’ll have all your info here shortly. Even if you hate me, I think it’s worth coming by.
Steve Aschburner writes about KD and July 1: “I told Durant that I covered another talented Kevin, Garnett, during his stay in Minnesota. Garnett was pestered constantly — at least whenever he was in the final season or two of a contract — with questions about his future whereabouts. But he brushed them aside (“I’m ‘Sota” was a familiar refrain), re-signed twice and stuck with the Timberwolves for 12 years. The guys who openly wonder about playing here, there and everywhere are the ones who find those questions multiplying. “All I’ve ever said is, I like to be here,” Durant said. “I like being here with these guys and I don’t picture myself being anywhere else. That’s how I field those questions: I don’t picture myself playing anywhere else.”
Here’s a big list with all the free agents for this summer on it. Take a look, put on your pretend Presti hat and make your move.
James Harden is swaggin’ with the Twitter profile pic. He’s like a cross between Malcolm X, Urkel and Harry Caray.

The player drafted one spot in front of Harden is on the way to the D-League.
Top pick Blake Griffin says he’ll be fully healthy in May: “We all know that’s not going to happen. But Griffin, the Clippers forward who is out the entire season and had Jan. 20 surgery to repair a broken left kneecap, had encouraging information Thursday when asked when he will be back to 100 percent. “Probably sometime in like May,” Griffin, the NBA’s No. 1 pick last June, said in an interview with FanHouse. “At least I’ll be able to do workouts without restrictions.”
This is one of my favorite posts of the year. A regular during the Daily Dime Live chats compiled a “best of” list: “[Comment From JohnDJohnD: ] How do you get the name DeMar DeRozan? Matt Moore (Hardwood Paroxysm/TrueHoop Network): Your DeMom And Your DeDad DeLove Each othe very DeMuch.”
All hail Dr. Carlan Yates. Tyson Chandler’s foot is still bugging him: “So naturally, despite returning to action on February 9th after a month and a half of rest and rehab, Chandler is again on the shelf. He’s missed four straight due to lingering pain in his foot and ankle. According to Rick Bonnell of the Charlotte Observer, Tyson will head to the Big Apple to consult with the specialist that performed his surgery almost a year ago. It’s good news that Chandler is seeking professional care for his injury, but bad news that the state of his injury dictates it.”
Mike Baldwin takes a look at Durant’s streak.
Darnell Mayberry writes that other teams want to follow the Thunder model: “With ample salary cap space, the Thunder can now allow its young core to grow together and reward those who flourish with lucrative contract extensions without worrying about becoming a luxury tax team. It’s a process that requires patience and persistence that few franchises are capable of employing.”