Thursday Bolts: 03.19.20

The most significant news yesterday, was the disclosure that none of the Thunder players and staff tested for coronavirus tested positive.
Teams are receiving a lot of questions as to why NBA players are able to be tested with tight restrictions on who in the general public may be tested in the U.S. The Thunder explicitly said they did not receive their test kits from the state of Oklahoma, and the Nets said their players were tested because some players and staff were exhibiting symptoms.
Michele Roberts of the NBA Players Association also spoke on the issue, and said not to blame the NBA and its players for getting tests, but to blame the federal government for not providing enough tests for the general population:
Rachel Nichols interviewed Adam Silver on the pivotal moment in Oklahoma City last week, and what’s ahead for the league:
One of the positives from the coronavirus crisis is the amount of free content that media outlets have opened up. The Athletic is allowing each of their writers to pick a favorite article that will be available without a subscription. Fred Katz, formerly on the Thunder beat for the Norman Transcript, picked his fun article on Steven Adams:
NBA League Pass and its archives are now free:
Kevin Durant’s positive test is an example of why young people have to follow social distancing policies, writes Alex Reimer (Forbes). “But from the standpoint of spreading awareness, it is useful for young athletes to be public about their positive tests — like Durant, Mitchell and Gobert. Their experiences teach young people they are not infallible. On March 9, Gobert jokingly touched every microphone and recorder in front of him while he was leaving a media availability. Like many 27 year olds, he wasn’t taking the virus seriously. Over the weekend, he apologized for his glibness. Mitchell says it took him ‘a while to cool off’ after learning of Gobert’s positive test. Speaking of Mitchell, he is asymptomatic, just like Durant, showing social isolation isn’t only for those who feel ill. ‘I could walk down the street. If it wasn’t public knowledge that I was sick, you wouldn’t know it,’ Mitchell said Monday on Good Morning America. ‘I think that’s the scariest part the virus: you may seem fine, be fine and but you never know who you may be talking to and who they’re going home to.'”
The Thunder finished the 2019-2020 regular season with a crushing loss to the Dallas Mavericks, dropping them to the 7 seed and a match-up with the Los Angeles Clippers. Despite pushing the mighty Clippers to six games, the Thunder dropped Game 6 by 21 points and were eliminated at home in the first round of the NBA Playoffs. At least, that’s how The Ringer’s simulation of the remainder of the NBA season played out.
Please stay safe, stay at home as much as you can, and practice social distancing.