KD gives out cell phone number, asks fans to text him

Glenn James/NBAE/Getty Images
Early Saturday afternoon, KD put up a cell phone number on Twitter. It wasn’t a prank. He wasn’t messing with anyone. He simply wanted to text battle some fans.
Reader Matt tried it out and posted the results in the comments:
KD continues to amaze.. He released his phone number on twitter asking us to talk to him about football or just talk if we wanna.. The response was OVERWHELMING and it froze his main phone.. So he then said I have a better idea.. “message me your numbers, and i’ll text YOU from my 2nd phone”
Wondering if he really would, I sent him my cell # on twitter, with a message about his ‘Horns asking how they’re going to do.. and w/in about 3 minutes I check twitter again and he tweeted me “@xxxxxx textin u now”…
BAM… I get a text from a 405 #… “horns gonna win tonight n kick OU’s ass next week lol”… proceeded to respond “Hell yah! I’m an O-state grad so I hope so!” and then he asked how I was today and carried on a text convo with me for about 20 minutes..
I didn’t think my man-love for KD could go any higher (no homo)… But he went above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen before… Holy cow..
I could’ve gone without the OU part, but still, KD continues to amaze. On the court, and off.