How fat are the Thunder? Comparatively, not very fat at all

Today at Celtics Hub, Hayes Davenport determined that the Los Angeles Clippers are the “fattest” team in the NBA, using Body Mass Index. The Celtics with Big Baby Davis and Shaq, were surprisingly No. 2.
So naturally, I was curious where the Thunder ranked. And it’s somewhere right in the middle with an overall 25.05 BMI.
“Normal weight” is considered to be between 18.5-24.9. Overweight is from 25-29.9. Anything above that is obese, and anything below normal is underweight. As Davenport notes, “Many NBA players are in much better shape than these figures imply. LeBron’s BMI is over 27 and he’s doing okay, physically. So this is really more about “bulkiness” than fatness, or the relationship between height and weight. Also, height and weight listings on NBA rosters are a morass of deception and ignorance, so consider them with a pinch of salt.”
So really, this information is kind of worthless considering all the factors. But still, I think we all needed to know Oklahoma City’s fat rankings. Especially since Mayor Mick told us we were all going on a diet a couple years ago.
- Byron Mullens: 27.4
- D.J. White: 26.9
- Nick Collison: 26.7
- Royal Ivey: 26.2
- James Harden: 26.1
- Jeff Green: 25.2
- Cole Aldrich: 25.0
- Daequan Cook: 24.9
- Morris Peterson: 24.8
- Kevin Durant 24.6
- Serge Ibaka: 24.6
- Thabo Sefolosha: 24.2
- Nenad Krstic: 23.9
- Russell Westbrook: 23.4
- Eric Maynor: 21.9
While obviously this information is clearly life-changing, thought-provoking basketball material, what it did do was make me look at what players are listed at in terms of height and weight. Athletes are at a disadvantage when it comes to BMI because they are bulky and built of a lot of muscle which weighs a lot, also I think the “official” weights listed are way, way off. For instance, Kevin Durant is only five pounds lighter than Jeff Green and Serge Ibaka? Really? That would make sense of course if he were listed at his real height of 6-11.
Anyway, take all of this new analysis and draw some serious conclusions from it. Let me make the first: Obviously Jeff Green needs to be traded and OKC needs a real big man.