Well isn’t this just hilarious

Kenny Mayne teams up with Pearl Jam bass guitarist Jeff Ament to make a knee-slapping video about some hicks from Oklahoma (yeehaw) stealing their goshdarndadgum Space Needle. What them there See-at-tul folks need with that cotton pickin’ thing anyhow? Whatsit fer? I don’t think we need it by and large by the by and by. (Roll video)

We’re close to being past all this, I think. At least much closer than a year ago. For some, they will boil over with rage and let the Okie inferority complex take over as they curse the heavens at Oklahomans being stereotyped as wagon riding idiots, but I honestly don’t care. It’s clearly supposed to be a funny little video and I’m not so uptight that I’m going to flip my crap over it. But some certainly will.

And I don’t mean to stir a ruckus, especially since we’re all basking in the big win over Portland last night and I prefer to keep things focused on basketball (and headbands). But I try and also relay things I think there fair readers here at DT would be interested in and I think this is one of those things. Don’t type angry comments at the messenger.