Video: A priceless $20,000 halfcourt shot

You’ve probably already seen it and heard about it. High school teacher and coach Heath Kufahl drilling a halfcourter to win $20,000.

It’s not anything new. Kufahl is the first this season to make one, but I think the fourth total in OKC’s history. It’s always fun to see it drop, to see the person run around in wild disbelief and then it’s back to the game.

But Kufahl’s story is a little bit different.

You see, he and his wife Jenni have seven children. But to melt your heart even more, Jenni was diagnosed with colon cancer last fall. And as Heath said, that’s exactly where the money is going.

(You can read more about their story at their website here.)

Incredible. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over here wiping my eyes for the next 30 minutes.