The next stage: The airing of grievances

The NBA and its players have basically started hovering over the big red “DO NOT PUSH” button that would detonate an entire season. It’s ridiculous. Stupid. Outrageous. Infuriating. Frustrating. You pick the angry word you want to use and it fits.

We’re all mad. I know I am. I’m mad at Billy Hunter for waiting until now to pull this stunt. I’m mad at him for pushing and pulling the union in a directions I don’t think the majority of players are comfortable with. I’m mad at David Stern for backing the players into a corner and forcing them to take a stand or fold. And knowing the players — you know, professional athletes with an incredible amount of pride — they weren’t going to back down.

I’m mad at the owners for getting their coveted BRI split down to 50-50 and a system that favored them but yet they kept pushing and pushing for more and more and more instead of just calling it a win and moving on. I’m mad at the players for not understanding that they make a hell of a lot of money to shoot a ball through a hoop.

I’m mad at myself for getting my hopes up that both sides would use reason and common sense to come to a deal so they didn’t risk to future of the league over dollar signs.

I’m mad at everyone.

I’m sure you are too. So if you’ve got something to say, even if it’s a long string of curse words, have at it. The NBA’s forgotten about the people that make it go. Both sides try to apologize and say they understand, but they don’t give a crap. I’m sick of hearing it. They just want you buying jerseys and season tickets. They know we’re pathetic and will just come crawling back.

So let it all out. You won’t feel any better and it won’t do anything, but I know in situations like these, sometimes it’s just what you want to do.