Saturday Morning Cartoons: KD even looks good signing stuff

(Good morning friends and family. Thank you for reading and supporting Daily Thunder. Remember, I’m here, but not here so play nice.)

I think autographs are stupid. Very stupid. Like I HATE them. But I do find it cool that superstar athletes take the time to scribble their name on crap and I especially like it when they’re personable. Even if they are signing stuff for money-grubbing scumbags half the time. I mean, look at them, they’ve got their stuff in freaking binders. Like they’re going to go home and actually look at the signature. I bet those pictures were on Ebay before KD even got in the hotel. But Kevin Durant was nice and signed. Looks like he had a nice signature too. Clean, cool and a nice little swoop. Can you tell I couldn’t really find a worthy video this week?