Saturday Morning Cartoons: From the crowd

Happy Saturday. Thank you for your support of Daily Thunder. The brodie.

Russell Westbrook hit a crazy 3 to beat the Warriors last night. And some good fans made sure to have their phones rolling to capture the crowd perspective. This one from @Mattstowe22 is the best crowd shot video you’ll ever see. Ever.

This one is from the Thunder and it’s pretty quality.

This one is a Vine I took. Funny story about it: I was planning on recording it just in case a game-winner happened, but when Ibaka took a shot early, I kind of got caught up just watching the play and almost forgot to record it. Got in just barely.

This one includes all the build-up. Which makes the pay-off even sweeter.

This guy failed to adhere to the most simple rule in life: Turn it horizontal. I’m surprised Westbrook even made the shot with him filming that way.