Kevin Durant on his hobbies, Twitter and who could beat him 1-on-1

It’s a bit of a slow day round these parts, so how about some moving pictures on this Hump Day? Elie Seckbach, who does awesome, slightly different interviews with NBA players, caught up with Kevin Durant recently at the Gatorade High School Awards banquet thing. Besides Seckbach saying “N-B-A” 45 times in 20 seconds at the beginning, it’s a pretty solid interview. The most interesting part was when Seckbach asked KD when ‘Lil Wayne or Jay-Z would do a song about him and Durant said, “Never. They don’t know who I am.” His humility has reached almost sickening levels. But I love it. I’d much rather hear this type of stuff from a star than him refering to himself in the third person and talking about how no one could beat him at anything, ever.