KD is going to ‘star’ in a Warner Bros. movie?

That’s not the movie, but I’m pretty sure it should be.

When most players say that they are exploring their options during this lockout, they mean they’re looking at playing overseas. Kevin Durant ‘s doing that too — reportedly — but he’s also evidently exploring another option: the silver screen.

According to the Oklahoman,  Durant is set to “star in a major Warner Bros. film” that will either  be filmed in Oklahoma City or Baton Rouge. The film is said to have a  “basketball subplot” doesn’t have a name yet but is supposed to go into  production in mid-September. You know, right around when training camp  would be starting.

I’m sure this movie isn’t actually a lockout  contingency plan for Durant but there’s no doubt that a work stoppage  would assist in helping him get his part done. I bet it would be tough  to squeeze in shooting between back-to-backs against the Bucks and Grizzlies.

But  this is just another stamp on Durant’s move to go from small market  basketball superstar into a globally branded megastar. He’s already  taken big steps toward that as his appearances in China have been  massive, he was second in All-Star votes in the West behind Kobe and  he’s got massive ad deals with giants like Nike, EA Sports and Gatorade.  A movie doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to jump past LeBron or  Kobe, but it’s an obvious sign that you’re not limited just because  you’re in a small market.One thing: How many NBA players have actually made or been in movies that weren’t completely terrible? Besides Kazaam, I mean. But seriously, I guess Space Jam was good because most of us were kids when we saw it and anything Michael Jordan did was completely awesome, but other than that… He Got Game? Love and Basketball?

As for what the movie is going to be,  your best guess is as good as mine. It’s got a basketball subplot? OK,  here’s one shot at it: Jacob Henderson is a struggling, down-on-his-luck  bartender that gets into trouble with the mafia because of a horrible  gambling debt. In order to pay it off, he enters himself in a $1 million  winner-take-all two-on-two tournament. Knowing he has no chance — he’s  just 5-8 with no handle and no jumpshot — he finds and begs a local  streetball legend, Devin Courant (Durant), to help him win.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds horrible. So let’s hope someone a lot more creative than me has something better. Space Jam 2: Durantula Attacks? Or a full feature length Hyperizers movie where KD reprises his role as Velvet Hoop? One can dream.