
Andrew Bernstein/NBAE/Getty Images

Twitter turned eight yesterday and unveiled a thing to embarrass everyone, tracking down their first tweets ever.

Don’t worry. I did the work for you and looked up everyone on the Thunder’s.

I have no idea. But I love it.

Nothing better than self-deprecation of your hometown. The shame of this tweet is, Collison showed off how entertaining and funny he is, but we only get small takes once every two months.

Awesome first tweet.

That tweet is from March 2013. Lin and the Rockets played the Warriors that night. He did not drop 40. He dropped 15.

No idea.

Exclamation points, but not all caps. HOW DO I KNOW THIS WAS REALLY YOU, HASH?

I want to watch Perry Jones paintball now. I imagine him being the guy that is super careful, letting everyone run out first while crawling like 80 yards through the tallish grass just to shoot one guy.

A perfect representation of what the @okcthunder would be. Boring, not informative and entirely a complete marketing device.

And, because I enjoy public humiliation: