Breaking Free Agency News: I signed somewhere

This is a smallish announcement I need to make before we continue with our regularly scheduled programming. Some of you may have seen the tweets over the weekend, but I have signed on to write full-time at with Matt Moore of Hardwood Paroxysm on a new NBA blog.

In case you’re wondering, yeah, I’m pretty excited about it.

A few questions I’ll answer before you have a chance to ask them:

Is this the death of Daily Thunder?
Absolutely not. In my mind, this is the rebirth of Daily Thunder. Well, that’s a little much. Really, this is just kind of a good thing for Daily Thunder I guess. Now with a revised schedule, I think I’ll have a little more time to commit to writing (since it’ll sort of be my job now) and DT will be bigger and better than ever. Plus, a bonus! You’ll now be reading an actual sportswriter rather than some pretend wannabe sportswriter. That’s good, right?

Wait, this wasn’t your job?
I know, that’s hard to believe. In some ways, it was. It was one of those internships that you do that you don’t get paid for that will hopefully turn into something. Think of me like Will Smith in the Pursuit of Happyness. Except for the being smart and sleeping in subway bathrooms thing. And also, I had a real job as well. But regardless of all that, I’m totally Will Smith.

Anyone to say thanks to?
Obviously some probably prefer to skip this, because you likely don’t care, but I would like to thank all of those who read Daily Thunder. I truly believe I wouldn’t have had this opportunity without a great community of fans. You guys make this site look better than it really is. I often have people comment to me that DT has some of the smartest Internet commenters out there. So take pride in that. Also, of course thanks to Mrs. Daily Thunder. She’s pretty awesome if you didn’t know. I’d also like to give a shoutout to Henry Abbott and Kevin Arnovitz who basically resurrected my goal of being a real-life sportswriter. And of course Matt Moore who has been really helpful and is in general, pretty swell. (I’d go down the list and mention every TrueHoop colleague here, but that list would be long.)

Are you wearing pants right now?
Currently, yes. When I start working? To be determined.

When do you start?
Wednesday, meaning tomorrow. I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous about it. CBS Sports is really expanding its NBA coverage and a big part of that is this blog that Matt and I will be doing. No pressure, y’know? I hope you’ll read it or at least just click on it daily so we get the page view from you. Nobody will know if you’re actually reading or not. We think it’s going to be really, really good. Well, I think that, but that’s mainly because Matt’s a really good writer. I’m just sort of there.

What’s the link for it?
It’s currently titled the NBA Facts and Rumors blog.

Anything else?
No that’s pretty much it. Carry on.